iR Shell Patch for CFWEnabler (CFWE) Released
psphkkr4u15 | July 27, 2009
Released by bosshunter — for all the CFWEnablers out there — a patch facilitating ISO/PSX support as well as improved iR Shell stability. There are a few things you should note first –
1. The full extent of this patch only works on firmware 5.03 with CFWE 3.50 and below. CFWE 3.60 fails loading PSX titles while ISOs continue working just fine. So use accordingly.
2. Use at your own risk; this patch touches a file in flash0 that’s installed by CFWE.
3. If something goes wrong while the PRX patches the necessary files, reinstall CFWE and try again.
What to do?
1. Make sure you have:
* iR Shell 5.0 installed;
* A fresh install of CFWE;
* The plugins loaded by game.txt are disabled;
* Replaced the IRSHELL folder with the one provided.
2. Run iR Shell.
3. Open Directory View and go to ms0:/IRSHELL/PATCH/5.03/.
4. Run btcnfpatch.prx.
5. Follow the onscreen instructions.
6. Wait a few seconds. You should see the screenshot above if it’s successful.
7. Re-enable your game.txt plugins.
http://www.psp-hacks.com/2009/07/02/psp-custom-firmware-550-gen-b-released/ — expect a patch soon.
Download:iR Shell 5.0